Art & Design
Subject Information
Course Summary
The course aims to provide students with the opportunity to plan, develop and create their own artwork. Students will use the skills and abilities that they have acquired at Key stage 3 embedding, refining, and stretching these further to develop their artistic abilities. Students will also explore new techniques and processes to stretch their practice as artists. They will as they work explore other artists, and designers to inform and further stretch the development of their knowledge, practice and own ideas.
Students Suited to the Course
To be successful in this course each student does not have to be the best artist in their class, but they do have to be interested and should already enjoy the experience of making their own artwork. The more enthusiastic they are as a learner, the better. Students who want to gain:
• A personal interest in Art and an understanding of why art and design matters.
• Experience of the work practices of artists and designers, and cultures.
• Understanding of art, craft and design processes, associated equipment and safe working practice.
Course Structure
Students will develop their drawing, painting, printing, and making skills in Art and Design. As these skills are developed during the first year of the course, they will begin to make more independent decisions about the direction of their own work. Students will learn how to research the work of other artists and art from other countries - they will also learn how artists have created their work and for what purpose. All students will use a sketchbook and design boards, which they will learn to present in interesting ways. Everyone will complete at least 2 coursework projects over the two years. Each of these projects will involve exploring and researching into artists, observational drawing, the development of ideas and the use of different materials as well as a completed final artwork to culminate their project ideas such as a painting, print, batik, textiles, clay model, 3D relief or a sculpture.
Assessment Format
Students will be required to work independently and actively in sketchbooks, on presentation boards and design sheets. Homework will take several forms including research, drawing, and collecting and will be set regularly. This course also requires specialist media and sketchbooks. Work will be marked regularly, and students are expected to respond to feedback, both written and verbal so that they make improvements to their work. Throughout the course students will complete coursework and controlled assessments. Students say the most challenging thing about this subject is ‘Meeting deadlines as there is a lot of independent work and getting it all completed to a good standard is important’.
Assessment Methods
60% Coursework (component 1)
40% Externally set (component 2/ the exam element).
Useful websites: The Tate, Student Art guide, BBC Bitesize, Pinterest.
Possible Progressions
After students have completed this course, they will be able to study A Level Art and Design at Brigg Sixth Form. At present, most students wishing to take art or design further may also go on to do a one year ‘Foundation’ course at an art college or college of further education before applying for degree courses in more specialist areas of art and design. Students may wish to do an art GCSE for its own sake, perhaps to form the basis of a future interest or as part of a range of other subjects. Alternatively, students might wish to go into a job where it is useful to have had experience of art, craft, and design, or where they will need to use some of the skills developed during this course. These might include careers in such fields as advertising, marketing, design, architecture, publishing, and the media. The study of Art can also help students develop transferable skills that they can take into any career or job. Success in A Level Art requires determination and dedication. Achievement in Art and Design will support employment in the creative industries, advertising, illustration, graphic design, textile design, teaching and fashion.
Useful Websites
Contact: Miss Mather