

Subject Information

Course Summary

GCSE Drama is an engaging course, which allows students to perform and explore a range of theatre styles and forms, to develop their understanding of performing and technical aspects of drama. It combines elements of devising, designing, working with script and directing. Students learn to appreciate effective drama and can use the language of drama to be critical thinkers.

Students Suited to the Course

• Have an interest in drama.

• Enjoy creatively challenging and exploring ideas and issues.

• Enjoy performing.

• Are committed and independent outside of lessons when developing their work.

Assessment Methods

Component 1 is assessed by the teacher in four areas, planning, developing, performing and evaluating. The devised

performance is accompanied by a written portfolio, which together is worth 40% of the course. This unit is completed in Year 10.

Component 2 is assessed performance by a visiting examiner based on two extracts from a play. This unit is worth 20% of the final GCSE and is completed around February of Year 11.

Component 3 is a written examination, assessed by an external marker. This unit is worth 40% of the GCSE.

Course Structure

Component 1 - Devising Theatre

Students work in groups to create, develop and perform a piece of devised theatre using either the techniques of an influential practitioner or a genre in response to a stimulus set by the exam board. Students can work as either performers or designers creating a written portfolio and a final performance.

Component 2 - Performing from a text

Students explore a text and perform two different extracts from it to a visiting examiner. Students can work as performers or designers.

Component 3 - Interpreting Theatre

This is a written exam based on a play the students studied practically. Section A contains questions based on the study of the set text and Section B is an extended response, analysing and evaluating live theatre.

Assessment Methods

Unit 1 is assessed by the teacher in four areas, planning, developing, performing and evaluating. The devised performance is accompanied by a written portfolio, which together is worth 30% of the course. This unit is completed in Year 10.

Unit 2 is assessed performance by a visiting examiner based on two extracts from a play. Students complete four questions to explain their process. This unit is worth 30% of the final GCSE and is completed around February of Year 11.

Unit 3 is a written examination, assessed by an external marker.

Possible Progressions

This course would allow students to continue the study of Drama or Performing Arts. Drama develops many skills not only in acting but in communication, ICT, analysis, research, group work, team building, empathy, social skills, time management, problem solving, planning, organising and independent learning. These skills are relevant, transferable and important to all jobs.

Contact: Mrs Carmichael