English Language and English Literature
Eduqas GCSE
Subject Information
Course Summary
This course is worth two GCSEs and incorporates a wide range of skills and techniques. Studying English Language and Literature should allow students to:
• Identify and interpret information from a text.
• Explain and comment on how writers use language and structure to achieve effects.
• Compare writer’s ideas and perspectives.
• Critically evaluate texts and support ideas with relevant textual support.
• Communicate clearly and effectively by selecting an adapting tone.
• Use a range of vocabulary, sentence structures, spelling and punctuation accurately.
• Plus a range of speaking and listening skills.
Students Suited to the Course
All students by the end of Key Stage 3 will be expected to complete GCSE English Language and Literature.
Course Structure
The course will compose of two written exams for GCSE Language which will cover creative writing, transactional writing and reading of fiction and non-fiction texts. In GCSE Literature students will be exposed to a range of literature across the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries and will include poetry, novels and drama.
Again, literature will be assessed through two external examinations.
Assessment Methods
English will be assessed by 100% terminal examination at the end of KS4.
Possible Progressions
This course will provide a foundation for a variety of progression routes. Virtually all 6th form courses and employers require a GCSE in English and this course would provide access to Level 3 courses. Also, you would need a B grade to study A level in 6th Form. Good English qualifications are also sought after when applying to university.
Contact: Miss King